
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inner Growth Through Discipline And Sacrifice

I have often talked a lot about working out and keeping yourself healthy. I am sure I have mentioned keeping a positive attitude. For sure I know I have mentioned that being open to new experiences or perspectives can help you fully enjoy life. What I have never directly mentioned is you need to feed your spirit as well.

Living healthy, being outgoing, staying upbeat and positive are sure fire methods to promote spiritual growth. A body that is running well on all cylinders makes it easy to address the prospect of inner expansion. These tenets, in my opinion, are only part of the puzzle though.

What is feeding your spirit? Well, for one I think it depends on the individual. There are a lot of religious teachings and beliefs out there. I think the guidelines to most Christian based religions stress good sound behavior. As far as I know most other religions do as well? (but I am no expert).  I do think delving into teachings of some type to try and achieve a better moral clarity is a wise investment of your time. At the very least I think studying some of these subjects can open up your mind. [There are many so called 'progressive' or 'liberal' minded people that seem to have a disdain for any teachings that have do with religion. I find this kind of funny because the whole point of being liberal or open minded is to accept others no matter what they are into, without ridiculing them in the process. I think the fear is that religion may be forced on others? Either way I don't condone cramming any subject down someones throat.] (With all the pop culture, sex and violence we see on TV on a daily basis...could studying something else really be that bad??). I think that fields such as philosophy, art  and science sometimes address our existence and purpose as well.

If you ask me the number one way to grow spiritually is through discipline. Discipline is what keeps your desires in check with your morality. We all like to eat good food. We all like to do things that make us feel good. We also know there are some things we should not do too much or at all. Through discipline we can keep those "things" in check.

Without keeping our behaviors in check we can damage ourselves and our fellow human beings. For instance, if you drink too much alcohol you can hurt yourself or someone else very easily. The same is true if you eat too much or give into other desires in an abusive way.

What does controlling your behaviors through discipline have to do with spiritual growth? Without getting on a religious rant I can state it emphatically makes your a better person. Just think of the great things that are done when we make sacrifices to live right? Saving your money and living properly instead of boozing it up and being wreckless can be the difference between owning a home, going to jail or putting your kid through college...Need I say more? I am not saying to not live or have a good time. Moderation through discipline is the key.

We all know sacrifice is hard. Getting up in the morning to work out usually isn't any fun. Staying home and not going out to save money can seem pretty dull. What we all know though is that if we make these sacrifices they will pay off down the road on many different levels. Better health, more money and feeling better are just a few of the dividends these behaviors can lead to.

As many profess, some day when you body is broke down...your spirit will be the part that is left to carry on...Won't it do better if you showed discipline and made sacrifices for it?

A random video a college student did that I saw and liked: Kristy Creates A Star

PS Speaking of spirits and heavenly things I have relocated to Florida...I love it here.

Until Next Post - Ty

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