

This page is for educational and entertainment purposes.
All views on this site are solely those of Ty Wilson. This site is not supported by nor does it support any particular business or organization.
It is this authors main goal to provide information, help inspire it's readers, foster useful ideals, and encourage critical thinking.
At times Ty does give personal opinion and advice, you are reminded to do your own research, check your own facts, and draw your own conclusions.
Some may not get the goals of this site. Being open minded is a requirement. We believe everyone has a special talent or set of gifts to offer this world. Believe in yourself, do your best to be respectful of others and it's a guarantee wonderful things will happen.
If in our efforts we can inspire or motivate even just one person...Then it is all worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ty, Just wanted to say that I like the site and will be checking back to see what you have been up too.

    Like yourself, I am an Amp R AK and have been since 1985 at the age of seventeen. I am currently in Sydney, Australia and have received an Osseointegrated implant. Which was surgically inserted into my femur.

    I took notice of your overview regarding Osseointegration and thought you might want to learn more about the technology and it's application today.

    Take Care,
    Fred Hernandez


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