I have recently decided to try a new approach to working out. I have switched my exercise routine from one that is mostly cardiovascular based to one that is more strength training related. I still do cardiovascular work. I just don't do only cardio. It seems for whatever reason I have only had the energy to make it through a run or bike ride with little juice left over to do anything else. So I have turned that approach on it's head to try something different.
I have tried really hard not to approach working out much differently than someone who is not an amputee. I don't really consider my disability much of a disability. I think it is just easier to try and adapt the best you can to any current set of restraints. In the gym everyone has their weaknesses and strengths. There were plenty of exercises I was not fond of before I lost my leg, now there are a few more.
Even though being in a crowded gym with a lot of people as an amputee may make you feel insecure at times, my advice would be to look around. Believe me you do not look any sillier that a lot of the people there. Who knows maybe someone will get inspired themselves and encourage a friend or family member that is shy or disabled to start working out?
In the past I spent a very intense year cycling as a pedicab operator . During my year driving a rickshaw I became a very strong cyclist. I could pull several people up hills or for long distances just as good, if not better than most of my younger, two legged pedicab partners. It was a really good experience in entrepreneurship. It is a big belief of mine that everyone should get the experience of working for themselves at least once in their lifetime.
Driving a pedicab was tough. I was always battling dehydration. I ate a lot of high calorie fast foods. I spent many sleep deprived late nights working long hour and often partying hard afterwards. My father was a musician and I used to play in a band in my college days. Keeping late hours has always been in my blood. The military did me some good on being disciplined enough to keep a schedule. I often feel my body clock prefers the nights.
When I returned to a real job this year my system went into a bit of shock. I kept eating a zillion calories daily out of habit. Calories that I used to need to ride all those hours. Unfortunately since I am not cycling for 8 hours a day any more it has been a bad combination. Despite trying to run or cycle in my free time I have gained some weight. I have found running and cycling to be even more demanding due to my weight gain. I am sitting at about 220lbs, which is at least 30lbs more than ideal for my body type as I am about 6' tall.
I finally started to get a handle on my diet to some degree. I have done my best to avoid the drive-thru lane, especially at dinner time. I still have the occasional coffee and sausage biscuit in the AM. I feel if you you do eat calorie dense food it should be early so have all day to burn it off. I do try to stop from getting the hash brown at least. :)
I started eating dinner at home most nights, which can be pretty challenging as a single person. Preparing food for one person can often be more expensive and more time consuming than eating off the dollar menu. :)
I counted calories for a while, mainly just to get an ideal of how much I was eating. I was surprised that even though I felt I was eating semi-healthy I was often consuming more than 3500 calories a day! I didn't realize that even something like a whole wheat tuna sub can often contain over 1,000 calories.
The most important factors in training with weights is DIET. Eating properly and drinking plenty of water is essential. I can't stress it enough. Diet is more important than even missing workouts.
I try to consume more raw vegetables, more protein and less carbohydrates. When you do consume carbs they should be complex. Right now the USDA recommends that we get about half of our calories from carbohydrates. They also recommend that when consuming protein we choose lean sources. While I do not disagree with the premise. I do feel there is a concern that since the government deemed cholesterol the enemy in the early 70's, the obesity rate continues to rise. Daily there appears to be more evidence that cholesterol may not be as bad as thought. When foods have the fat removed from them they tend to be higher in simple carbohydrates, which is sugar. Could the spike in obesity and diabetes cases be related to the low cholesterol movement? For this reason I actually tend to avoid packages that say 'low fat' on them. If you have been in a grocery store lately this can be quite daunting. I think it is best to stick with whole foods such as whole grain pasta, brown rice, raw vegetables, fruit, and legumes. Pre-packaged box foods often contain ingredients I have never even heard of.
Sample Daily Diet
- Sausage biscuit and coffee w/cream 500 calories
- Banana 105
- Chipotle Burrito Bowl w/diet coke 700
- Large salad w/cottage cheese 600
- large air popped popcorn w/butter 220
Total Calories - 2,125
Goal is to keep it under 2500
I did some total body routines for a couple of weeks to get back into it. I have now switched to a split routine. A split routine has given me the luxury of hitting the gym and getting a great workout in around 45 minutes. Spending hours at a time in the gym just isn't possible for me. I feel you can reach burn out if you end up living in the gym. I really enjoy my workouts. Even on days I am not feeling 100% I can usually make it through my routine, get a pump, and feel great afterwards.
I never do the same workout. I hit the exercises I feel like hitting and that are available. Sometimes it's crowded and you get on the machines you can. This keeps things fresh and keeps my body making gains because it can't get used to the same routine every time. I try to always move quickly from one movement to the next. I also usually only give myself 1 minutes tops between sets. Keeping rest to a minimum helps you blow through the routine and keeps the intensity up.
My Routine
Day 1 Chest/Triceps
I start each workout with 10 minutes of cardio on the stationary bike, recumbent bike, treadmill or elliptical machine.
I keep my reps for chest and triceps in the 10-15 range. I do 3 sets of each exercise.
I will do 3 major movements for each major part and 2 of the secondary part.
I pick 3 chest movement exercises.
Some of those exercises are: Bench Press, Incline Press, Chest Dumbbell Flies, Chest Machine, Incline Flies, Cable Chest Flies, Smith Machine Bench or Incline.
Then I pick 2 exercises that concentrate on triceps.
Example are: Dips, Close Grip Bench, Triceps Cable Push Downs, Overhead Triceps Dumbbell Press, Reverse Curls, Dumbbell Kick Backs
Sample Routine:
- Incline Bench Press 3 sets of 10
- Dumbbell Flys 3 sets of 10
- Chest Press Machine 3 sets of 10-15
- Close Grip Bench Press 3 sets of 10
- Triceps Cable Push Downs 3 sets of 10
I will work some stomach movements into most of my routines super setting crunches or some type of leg raises into the workout. Usually 2 sets of 10-20 reps.
Day 2 Back/Biceps
I start each routine with 10 minutes of cardio.
Same thing here. 3 major movements for back. 2 movements for biceps.
Major Exercises to pick from: Lat Pull Downs, Chin-Ups, Assisted Chin Ups, Rows, Machine Seated Rows, Machine Pull Downs, Barbell Rows, Hyper Extension
Secondary Exercises: Curls, Dumbbell Curls, Machine Curl, Bent Bar Curls, Machine Curls, Hammer Curls, Curls For The Girls... :)
Sample Routine:
- Lat Pulldowns 3 sets of 15
- Seated Cable Rows 3 sets of 15
- Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows 3 sets of 10-15
- Barbell Curls 3 sets of 10
- Cable Curls 3 sets of 10
I will work at least two set of stomach in. Some type of crunches or hanging leg raises 2 sets of 10-20 reps.
Day 3 Shoulders/Traps
3 Major movements for shoulders. 2 movements for traps.
Sample Routine:
- Smith Machine Upright Press 3 x 10
- Behind The Neck Press 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 10
- Upright Rows 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 x 10
I will try to incorporate a couple of sets of stomach work into each routine.
Day 4 Legs:
For the time being I have decided not to do much leg work. On days that I have legs scheduled I spend my time running, doing some type of cardio or cycling. While there are many benefits that can be gained from working your legs, even as a leg amputee, there is also a chance of injury. I feel it is hard to get an equal amount of exercise on both limbs as my sound leg ends up doing most of the work. I have on occasion done some body weight squats, squat hops (love that video), leg press, deadlift, or step ups. I stay away from leg curls and leg extensions as the lever arm of my prosthesis does not work well on those movements. I'd really like to some day get with a therapist or trainer to find some good leg exercises for a bk amputee.
I usually will ride my bike or run on these days. 30-45 minutes of running or a couple of hours cycling.
After the end of the routine I will go back to Day 1 and start the split all over again. The great thing is if you miss a day you just start up where you left off. So If I take a day off after Chest/Triceps I will just start back up on the Back/Bicep day when I go back. There is no set day of the week such as Monday's being chest days. I did not want to be locked into pairing a certain day with a certain muscle group. This way the schedule is flexible. One day off is fine, two in a row in unacceptable.
I have been at this routine for about 3 weeks now and have lost about an inch in my waist size. I am considering posting my weekly weight and routine to track my progress. The key here is to have fun. I have used weights in the past to add muscle mass and reduce body fat. It is a great way to get results at your own pace and not get burned out.
It is important to note that I am not trying to get huge here. I am just trying to change my BMI. I want to get leaner, weight training is one of the best ways to increase muscle mass and bone density.
Gyming it for now - Ty
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Vacuum Delays
I recently got a new Limb Logic elevated vacuum system prosthesis.
I was going to do an instructional video on this system. For the time being I have shelved the project.
I do not want to bad mouth the system, because I feel I have not given it a fair shake. I just need to spend some more time with my prosthetist and prosthetic technician before I can really give an honest assessment on the product.
I also have some injuries on my residual limb that are making wearing a high vacuum prosthesis a problem for the time being.
I do plan on returning to this subject once I have all the kinks worked out. It is a very high tech and expensive product that claims to be beneficial to some amputees.
I was going to do an instructional video on this system. For the time being I have shelved the project.
I do not want to bad mouth the system, because I feel I have not given it a fair shake. I just need to spend some more time with my prosthetist and prosthetic technician before I can really give an honest assessment on the product.
I also have some injuries on my residual limb that are making wearing a high vacuum prosthesis a problem for the time being.
I do plan on returning to this subject once I have all the kinks worked out. It is a very high tech and expensive product that claims to be beneficial to some amputees.
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