
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

The intended purpose of this site is about facing life as an amputee. Even though some of my blogs lately have not focused as much with general amputee issues as as they have on critical thinking and societal concerns. Over time I have come to the conclusion that I would not be a responsible blogger if I did not use this platform to touch on other everyday matters. I strongly feel exposure to alternative viewpoints makes us all better people. I don't expect everyone to agree. I do hope it may give cause to think and look at things from different vantage points.
When faced with adversity, such as being an amputee, It is not wise to always accept all the advice you get without questioning it. Prosthetics and the medical field in general are big business. Anytime you have big money and people that are in a vulnerable state there is a good chance of corruption or being taken advantage of. I do think most people are in the medical field to do the right thing. I would not be a true 'Patient Advocate' if I didn't advise people to be aware and ask question. After all, YOU are your own best advocate when dealing with limb loss or when making other daily living decisions.

Holiday Cheer!

Here we are approaching Christmas again. Even though it is supposed to be a joyous time, I know it can be difficult for many. Admittedly I find joy in some parts of the season and the festive mood. It also makes me sad because it often appears much of the holiday season seems to be hijacked by commercialism. 

Of course there are the same old cliches every year like, "I can't believe how early they are putting out the Christmas decorations this year". "Only ------- more shopping days left"...and so fourth. Yawn, that's up there with weather references we make trying to fill conversation other months of the year.

My main rub is the shopping and the pressure to buy. As time goes on I seem to get more cynical about commercialism, endless advertising, and out of control corporate greed.

The unending pressure placed on society to buy things year round is enormous. I guess what's most appalling is how we are made to feel like we 'need' many often useless and materialistic items. Because you know, we got to have the latest, greatest, electronic devices that often seem to be outdated within weeks of purchase by the 'new and improved' versions. Or hey the neighbors and friends have it, so we got to get it as well...and the cycle of buying things we are made to think we need continues. All of this shopping pressure appears to peak during the final months of the year in Christmas shopping. I know this fact is easily understood by most, but also ignored and overlooked as we mindlessly shop our hearts away.

What I want to do with this blog is point out the ridiculousness that has seemed to overtake us. I think the point can definitely be argued that we are brainwashed to buy and be 'good consumers'. I know brainwashed is a strong term, but I think the examples I will reference make a strong point.

What is sad about the video below is it's truthfulness. I can't tell you how many women in my life from my mother, former girlfriends to current girlfriend that pick up the Sunday ads and and without missing a beat reliably leaf through them. Looking for that deal that they didn't even know they needed until they saw it. Advertising definitely works. Don't even get me started on Groupons or home shopping networks such as QVC. I strongly feel it is a sickness. Even though I have often pointed it seems to make no difference. My comments appear to fall on deaf ears as the mindless years of 'programming' work their magic on the engrained gatherer part of our Hunter-Gatherer DNA.

Lee Camp - Advertisements Are Assholes

Black Friday. To me, this next video is the saddest. It displays the whole brainwashing advertisement, materialism values that unfortunately seem to be the norm. I really have no comment, just a question, "What the hell have we become?"

Black Friday Madness

Lastly, the next clip features comedian George Carlin as he points out some hard hitting truths about society. What I find interesting is his rant is several years old and more relevant (check out the social security comment) than ever.

George Carlin - Consumerism

With all of this in mind I want to wish everyone a very happy holidays season. I don't want to be a total cynic. It is my hope this may cause some to reflect on what the real meaning of the holiday season should be. Things do not bring happiness. Enjoying the people in your life, being grateful for how blessed we are and finding honest genuine happiness that can't be bought it was I feel we should focus on. Going into debt to by trendy gadgets or live beyond our means is no way to live. It certainly cannot lead to lasting happiness.

I am looking forward to a promising 2013. I plan on drastically changing the format of this blog. It is my goal to make this site more than just a hobby. I am seriously considering writing a book and posting more media based blogs...with accompanying self produced videos and so fourth. I have a lot of ideals. I feel it may be the right time in my life to take action on some of them.

Times are changing...So am I.

Please feel free to contact me with comments or to say hello:

The Lee Camp video is take from the
Peter Joseph series Culture In Decline Episode #3 C.V.D.

George Carlin Official Website

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