So, after I starting walking I began riding a bicycle. Even with two legs I never had the right body type to be a great or competitive rider. I didn't care. It was a great and positive way to deal with my new lifestyle. I eventually did several 100 mile bike rides. I even finished in some pretty decent times. I spent the better part of a few years climbing some of the biggest hills Austin and San Antonio Texas has to offer. There is no better feeling than climbing over that top crest of a huge hill. Even better I helped encourage other people I was riding with. When they were down or thinking about quitting they would see the dude with one leg still trucking along. It was a great feeling.
Finally, I started running. It was slow going. I remember my prosthetist going out to adjust and setup my leg. He was able to lightly jog and keep up with me while I was giving it everything I could and going as fast as I could muster. It was very discouraging. Slowly I started to get a little faster. I think my best time in the 5k ended up being around 27 minutes. Still very slow, but almost as fast as my time when I first joined the military. I ended up running several 10k and 5k event. I even ran a half marathon once...finishing at about an 11 minute mile pace. I was a little disappointed with my time, but proud to finish.
I have come to find out that if you want to do something bad can. Even some things that seem impossible. Before becoming an amputee I never had run a half marathon or pedaled a bike for 100 miles. Those goals are behind me. I really have not run in a while or done much distance bike riding. I certainly think if I wanted to I could definitely do either again. Now a days I tend to spend my time in the gym doing a combination of free and machine weights. I also spend a lot of time cruising on my bike around town, here in Sarasota, FL.
I recently built my first fixed gear bicycle. I had an old mountain bike frame that had the right traits to be turned into a fixed gear. The two most important being a real wheel drop down that slides back and forward for the back wheel and clearance for road bike size tires to fit. So I bought a fixed gear wheel and chain and built the bike.
I am also a big music fan. I used to play bass in a band when I was in my 20's. I also have been messing with music gear of all types for many years in my spare time. Speaking of time, it is the main factor when pursuing your interest. Making time to do the things you love can be tough. It's funny that we often spend a lot of our time coping with living. Working to pay bills or other task we must do to make it through the day. This seems so backwards to me sometimes. Wouldn't be nice if we could all spend most of our time doing the things we love?
You have to ask yourself why not? Why don't we do the things we love? Are we scared of failure? I don't know how many of you have met someone that does their dream job for a living? I think a lot of people out there tell us and themselves they do...but often it is a lie. We tell ourselves we love what we do to 'sell' ourselves the path we have chosen to follow. If it is not a path you actually chose though...Is it the right one? I have met a few people that I knew did exactly what that wanted for a living. There were very content and happy people. Happy living a simple life because of their ability to pursue their dreams. Yes it does take sacrifice to do your own thing. It can often be a lonely road. I think that is part of the fear we have. Being alone, worrying other may see us as odd. Remember you only have one life. Shouldn't you pursue the things that make you happy?
Building a bike I have thought about building for over 6 years was an awesome feeling. Even though it is just a simple machine (as a fixed gear bike is meant to be) it feels so good to take it out on the road. The bike is nothing fancy. Darn it I built it!
I recently recorded a song in my studio apartment. It is a cover tune that I have always liked called 'Simple Man'. Messing around and recording music is something I have envisioned doing since being a kid and first getting into music. I can't claim it is a great recording or my talents are superior. Same answer though. Darn it I did it! It was a lot of fun. Why should care if someone likes it or not?
I think if you are doing something and it is a little scary you might be on the right track to finding true happiness.
Included is a picture of the bike.
My question to you is WHY NOT? You can do anything you want if you envision it. This isn't to say that everything will always come out how you want it to. It really comes down to how much time and energy you wish to put into your vision.
Keep Dreaming. You can do it!!!