Why the change in diet?
Roughly two months ago I decided to switch to a pretty strict vegan diet. This means I have done my best over the last two months not to ingest any meat, dairy, eggs, fish, seafood, animal fats/oils or any other animal based products.
I have not elected not to wear any animal products, fur leather and all that jazz. I own a couple of leather or faux leather belts, have saddle bags that are probably leather, gloves and who know what else? I honestly have not thought much about it? As you can imagine a vegan lifestyle can be taken to an extreme just like anything else.
I must admit at times it does seem that the treatment of animals used to make food or clothing products seems inhumane, especially on a commercial level. I just don't see, for me a personal reason to totally abstain from using some of these products at this time. I would never judge anyone for using or consuming animal products. It is a lifestyle decision and I try really hard not to judge or tell others how they should live their lives.
The reason I switched my diet was because of health reasons. High blood pressure, heart issues, diabetes and arthritis are common in my family history. I have seen several documentaries over the years stating that eating a vegan, raw foods or vegetable based diet can be pretty effective for combating some of these medical conditions. The latest vegan documentary I saw was called "What The Health" . More about that movie later.
What Led To The Diet Change?
I have suffered from arthritic gout attacks and symptoms over the last twenty years. The gout attacks had been getting worse and more frequent. In 2016 I went to a walk in clinic at least three times to try and get relief from painful gout attacks. My blood pressure has been rising or has had a tendency to be high over the last several years as well. I started taking medication regularly for the gout and my family doctor has tried to get me to take high blood pressure medicine for several years now. Honestly I had been feeling pretty unhealthy and suffering arthritis pain off and on for a while.
We started a weight loss challenge at my work about 5 months ago. The challenge kind of got the wheels turning in my mind on changing my diet. At first I procrastinated and did nothing. As you can imagine my results were bad for the first month of the competition. I lost very little or no weight. I can be quite a procrastinator at times.
Besides being a procrastinator I can also be a little competitive. As the deadline started getting closer for the challenge to end, 6 weeks or so, I started looking at options. The first thing I did was try to cut back on carbs. I had some decent results from cutting the carbs I think I lost around 5 lbs by doing nothing besides changing my diet the first week or two I tried it. I also starting going to the gym sporadically, mostly doing weight training. I then went on vacation to visit a friend the following week. At the time I left for vacation I was down about 11 pounds or so.
While visiting my friend I caught the previously mentioned, What The Health documentary on Netflix one afternoon. I found some of the claims to be remarkable. I will tell you that I thought the documentary was very one sided and some parts of it, mainly the results some of the people in it had, seemed to be impossible. Honestly I still do. I think in lot of documentaries out there the directors/writes often get a little over jealous about their claims. This film was no exception. Lets face it these people are passionate about their projects or they would not be making movies about them. This does not mean I discounted the whole movie, I just gave it a bit of healthy scepticism.
None the less, when I returned from my trip I decided to try the vegan diet out and see how it worked for me. I figured if the claims were even partially true it would be worth giving it a try. I also went to the gym on a much more regular bases, concentrating on light impact cardio, 45 minutes or more of stationary bike. I also hit the weights for 20 to 30 mins, I did not give them as high a priority as cardio. I'm not much for being in a gym for over an hour. I feel you can get burned out and over train, especially with weights, if you are not careful.
My Results?
I lost about 25 pounds in the challenge, almost 10% of my body weight.
I lost around 2 3/4" in my waistline.
I stopped taking my arthritis medicine about 6 weeks ago and have not had a gout attack since.
I have not stopped to check my blood pressure yet. I'm pretty sure it is better than before. Many times in the past my blood pressure would be taken when in pain, which tend to give high readings as it is.
Other noticeable changes:
I feel great! Much lighter on my feet, which helps a lot wearing a prosthesis.
I feel more energetic!
I have recently started jogging some. I am still working on this and have only mustered about a mile and a half during any single session with my running leg. I am shooting for participating in a 5K this November.
My clothes fit great! I am wearing shorts and pants that I had kind of tucked away in the back of the closet due to how tight they were. I even have worn some of my friends clothes. Besides his shirts, I have never been able to fit into any of his clothing.
I have started having more regular bowel movements. This wasn't much of an issue before, but I definitely notice a difference. The vegetables really get things moving in this area.
I must stress that going to the gym has been a big factor in this endeavor as well. There is no way I would have gotten the results I have without hitting the gym. in addition to the diet. I am currently going 4 to 6 times a week.
How Challenging Is It Eating Vegan?
I joke with my friends when they ask how hard it is being a vegan. I say it is a lot like being a recovering alcoholic. Each day is a challenge and I just do it one day at a time. No one likes the taste of a cheese burger better than I do. The smell coming from a fast food joint or restaurant can still really spike my appetite.
Funny thing is when I go out to eat with people they often apologize to me when they order meat. I try to stress that it isn't a big deal to me and it is a choice I have made. I certainly don't want anyone to feel bad about eating with me. On dates, women who know my diet almost always talk to the waiter for me, state that I am a vegan and ask about options for me. This drives me a little nuts. I think that motherly thing women posses tends to make them do this? I am not sure? I really dislike, for people to make a big deal out of things for me. I especially don't like asking people to make exceptions for me. This makes me guilty for some reason? I just don't like people having to go out of their way for me.
I have cheated a time or two. Which makes me a cheagan. I have eaten a bite of chicken or meat here or there that someone has badgered me to try. I also have partook in some donuts, breads, breaded items or tried some sauces that I am sure have contained dairy, butter or eggs here or there. This has been pretty minimal. Obviously I don't order non vegan items, but if something comes with cheese that didn't get removed or an appetizer has come out with beef or chicken I don't sweat it. I just try my best to eat around the 'forbidden' substance. I am human and I don't turn into a freak about things. I just try my best. This vegan thing is something I have imposed on myself, to attempt to be more healthy. Tf I slip up a little it isn't going to make or break me.
The Biggest Challenge?
By far for me the hardest thing has been not using coffee creamer. I drink a lot of coffee every day and I love it with half and half. There are probably days in the past where I would easily consume a cup of more in coffee creamer itself while drinking coffee through the day. I will usually drink a 4 to 8 cups plus of coffee a day. I just have not found a good substitute. Almond milk, which I often use before leaving the house, just doesn't cut it as a creamer substitute. Soy milk is okay but it is usually not available and I try not to consume too many soy products. I am getting more used to drinking my coffee black.
I always used to eat a lot of cheese, sour cream and yogurt as well. I really miss eating pizza at times.
I know I am painting a rather bleak picture here. In all honesty being vegan has not been that bad. There are a lot of great options out there. In a lot of ways I never really appreciated the natural flavor of a lot of fruits (their sweetness) and vegetables until now.
Things I Eat A Lot Of
Beans - I consume a lot of black beans. I've even done black bean smoothies before. Don't ask...lol.
Hummus - served with vegetables at a restaurant or made at home is a favorite.
Broccoli - I eat it along with or on top of things often. It is great with brown rice, couscous, wheat pasta or in vegetable stir fry. (I try not to eat a ton of pasta as I am still trying to lose weight).
Avocados - I eat these either cut up on things or as guacamole. A long with tomatoes.
Peas, corn and green beans are big in my diet as well.
Peanut butter - I eat it often. Sometimes strait out of the jar.
Trail mix
Sweet Potato Fries - They are my dirty indulgence.
By far the biggest comment I get is, 'Aren't you worried about not getting enough protein?'. To be very honest I don't worry about it at all. Except for the first week or two of doing this (The adjustment period. I constantly felt hungry the first week or two.) I never feel weak or faint at all.
Funny Things That Have Happened
The first 2 weeks I went vegan I took a date to a steakhouse she chose for dinner and on two other occasions I met clients at steak places. It was quite the drag.
- Sometimes You Have To Laugh At Life-
I should have posted a before and after picture. If you follow me on Instagram you can definitely see the difference compared to some of my older pictures.
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