
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Moving My Media

 How goes it?

I am now located in Sarasota Florida! I am so glad to be here. This is where I went to high school. I’ve always enjoyed this area.It’s funny how things work out.


I am in the process of moving my video platform to Rumble instead of YouTube.

Without getting into it too much, I am very disappointed in YouTube. They have censored many people over the last few years. A lot of times they use the guise of “misinformation” to shut people down, demonetize them, ban them and do other things that make getting their message out very hard. The problem is a lot of these things that were considered “misinformation” have ended up being true. 

I have disagreed with YouTube for a long time. There was just not much I could do about it in the past. 

Rumble is similar to YouTube, except they do not ban people. Freedom of speech is very important to me. It is something that this country was founded on. I obviously will still continue to use YouTube as I think it’s a great and innovative platform, I get a lot of my media, especially music from their site.

The videos I have shot in the past will continue to be there. In the future I’m going to attempt to post future vids from Rumble. Being a new site to me I will have to learn how to utilize their platform so it may take a minute to get up to speed.

This should not be a right or left position. Unfortunately, it has turned into that.For some reason many people today think if they don’t agree with someone, they don’t have a right to speak? The main argument out for this is ‘dangerous things’ can influence people to do bad things. This is possible. You must realize that Hollywood, romance novels, and many other types of media have a huge influence on people as well. For some reason, people usually don’t have an issue with thise forms of media. Unfortunately, that seems to be changing as well.

Overall, I think it’s insulting to think people can’t think for themselves & make their own minds. Who are any of us to decide what people can enjoy or be into as long as they don’t infringe on others. 

Just one more point to all this. When you absorb media, you should keep in mind who they get their revenue from. It’s impossible for certain media platforms not to have a bias due to who helps pay their bills often in the form of advertising. If defense contractors and pharmacy corporations pay your bills What do you think the messaging will be like? Or more importantly what information may be withheld? It’s pretty much a certainty that advertisers will not be spoken of badly on platforms they sponsor.

I have always pushed for people to think for themselves and do their own research. Questioning things is good. It is healthy to have a healthy skepticism. Once again, it seems people are often shamed for questioning thing anymore.

Remember to think for yourself.


Double Dose Of Vids

 A couple of videos that I put online but never added to the site.

A little more positive message that the last post. 

Who To Blame?

Basically both of these videos put the focus on taking ownership of your situation. In life there is really no one that is going to look out for your interest except yourself. 

This doesn’t mean you have to be mean or bitter. I sometimes think people believe they need to be ugly or have the right to be ugly to get what they want or need. The other end of the spectrum is you should not be a pushover when interacting transactionally with others.

Do You! Keep Your Word

We all have issues in our life. To be as productive and as happy as possible we must concentrate on the things we actually control. It is a total waste of time and energy to get upset with what we cannot control. So “No control let it go” should be our mantra in these situations. Always easier said than done…but practice makes perfect.

As always remember:  #AttitudeIsEverything

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