
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Amput33Cast13 - I did not make 30 days

 Well I made it to 26 days before I decided to have a drink.

I really have no excuse except that due to the lack of results I was hoping for. I just became frustrated with the whole process. 

Do I feel like a loser? Yes. I really do not like to not complete things. On the other hand the expectations I was hoping for just did not seem to be happening. I became frustrated. Maybe I wan’t patient enough?

There’s were some good things that seemed to improve. My morning vision and the ringing in my ears when I woke in the AM seemed to definitely get better. 

Things that did not seem to improve much. My blood pressure, it’s still pretty high when I take a reading. My arthritis seemed just as bad if not worse that it often is. I appeared to have lost no weight, possibly even gained some, despite making sure to spend more time walking and doing cardio in the AM.

Where do I go from here? I am not sure right now. 

I need to do a reassessment. I am soon going to take some time off and go to Daytona Beach for bike week for a few days. I hope the trip and time off will help me rethink some things. I certainly am frustrated at this time.

As the old saying goes….I am not sad as much as I am disappointed. 

I wish I had better results to report, but it just was not in the cards for this challenge. 



I really do appreciate those of you that check this out from time to time. 



#AttitudeIsEverything  #LuvLife  #Amput33

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Amput33Cast12 - The Blessings of Becoming an Amputee

Well it has been 23 days without drinking any alcohol. I feel pretty good. The only real disappointment has been weight loss. I really thought by not consuming alcohol I would end up losing weight because of all the sugars, carb and calories that are in your average alcoholic beverage. I am actually exercising more and getting more sleep. I have not kept track, but I am obviously making up for those drink calories by eating more. Of course, the brutal truth is I am getting older and weight loss just does not come as quick as it used to. 

Today subject during the Amput33Cast is The Blessings of becoming an amputee. There are many. A new and rewarding career helping people. Learning to overcome obstacles. Looking at life with a different, better perspective. I feel these events and mindset changes along with many others, are some of the good things that arose from the terrible experience of losing a limb. 

Yes, there many difficult things the reality of becoming an amputee have delivered. I think it is important to realize the good things that also come from hardship that we often overlook.


Much Love & positive vibes!!!



#amput33 #amputee


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Amput33Cast 11 - Finding & Accepting Flow

Well another week of not drinking…Fifteen Days into it. It really has not been much of a problem not drinking. I have gone o a few dinners/gatherings where people were drinking and it wasn’t an issue at all. I will say there are some days when I would like nothing better than to hit happy hour. 

I have not noticed much a difference from abstaining. Well not exactly true. I had a sore on my ankle area that seemed to never fully heal. It was almost like a staff infections or boil. It is looking great and has totally closed up. There is still some discoloration there. It will be interesting to see how things progress. It’s pretty incredible the difference. Also in the morning my vision seems to be much clearer than it has been. There were some days when I was seeing double a little bit…the street makings and so fourth. That does not seem to be happing anymore. So possible my blood pressure has gone down some?? 

I am definite getting more sleep. My body has been craving it. I think I instinctively told myself it was time to take a break because I was just wearing myself out.

I have not experienced any weight loss…which had been a bit of a disappointment. I thought for sure the calories & carbs I would be ,issuing would make a difference. So for not much of a difference at all. I have some daily pics posted of myself and as you can see not much appears to be happening at this time.

Todays topic.

Super Bowl. Nothing wrong with it. It is definitely a cultural phenomenon in America. At the same time you should not let anything dictate your life or happiness.  

Finding your flow. I strongly feel we cannot make ourselves find a good groove or flow in life all the time. I do feel we can strive to make it happen by doing certain things. Having a great attitude, not taking yourself too seriously, and not be forceful are great ways to get in this mode. 

LEt GO OF THe BRanch YOu ARe CLinging TO IN THe RAging River. LOse YOur FEar ANd ENjoy THe Ride.  


Very Pretty song. The title roughly translates to “You Played & Suffered” in English.

Eslabon Armado ft. DannyLux

#JugasteYSufri #attitudeiseverything #amput33 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Ampucast10 - 1 Week Down


I actually made it to video 10 on my Amput33Cast Videos. I am so glad I have decided to stick with doing these. They are actually kind of therapeutic to me in a strange way. After over a full year of not really attending amputee support groups, its kind of nice to be able to share some things with people.

I’s be lying if I did not say I miss Florida. Louisiana is growing on me though. It has now been almost 5 months since I made the move over here. Things are actually going pretty well for me. I have started to find my groove. I think I have narrowed my search down to were I want to reside, once my lease is up here. Every time I am in the Warehouse District of New Orleans I feel drawn to it. It appears the cost of living there does not seem to be too much more than where I am now. I have two more months before I have to put in my notice here. So we will see?

The 30 days without drinking has been brutal but also not bad at the same time. I have wanted to stop at happy hour pretty badly a couple of time. By no means do I feel like I have just had to have a drink. As I have stated before, going to have a drink after work has been a big part of my social life for years now. For health reason I thought it may be a good ideal to dial it back a little bit.

The strangest thing I have noticed so far. My sleep patterns have been a little erratic. I have getting a lot more sleep than I usually do during a typical week. It will be interesting to see if this continues or not. I am have a feeling my body is just taking the opportunity to get caught up and recover a little bit. 

I am probably consuming a few more calories, of food at least, than I was. I am actually eating something for breakfast most days right after working out. Before I would often skip breakfast. My evening meals seem to be lighter overall. Lord knows how many calories I was putting away on some nights when going out. 

I have started taking a daily pic of myself to see if I am making any progress or from giving up the booze. So far I am not noticing much of a difference. They will continue to be posted on the blog page before this one, titled Amput33Cast 9.

Subject Of This Amput33Cast

- Banning People Is Bad

- 30 day Progress

- My Power Went Out Again

- All Talk No Action

Amput33Casr 10

Take Care,

#amput33 #AttitudeIsEverything

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