Well another week of not drinking…Fifteen Days into it. It really has not been much of a problem not drinking. I have gone o a few dinners/gatherings where people were drinking and it wasn’t an issue at all. I will say there are some days when I would like nothing better than to hit happy hour.
I have not noticed much a difference from abstaining. Well not exactly true. I had a sore on my ankle area that seemed to never fully heal. It was almost like a staff infections or boil. It is looking great and has totally closed up. There is still some discoloration there. It will be interesting to see how things progress. It’s pretty incredible the difference. Also in the morning my vision seems to be much clearer than it has been. There were some days when I was seeing double a little bit…the street makings and so fourth. That does not seem to be happing anymore. So possible my blood pressure has gone down some??
I am definite getting more sleep. My body has been craving it. I think I instinctively told myself it was time to take a break because I was just wearing myself out.
I have not experienced any weight loss…which had been a bit of a disappointment. I thought for sure the calories & carbs I would be ,issuing would make a difference. So for not much of a difference at all. I have some daily pics posted of myself and as you can see not much appears to be happening at this time.
Todays topic.
Super Bowl. Nothing wrong with it. It is definitely a cultural phenomenon in America. At the same time you should not let anything dictate your life or happiness.
Finding your flow. I strongly feel we cannot make ourselves find a good groove or flow in life all the time. I do feel we can strive to make it happen by doing certain things. Having a great attitude, not taking yourself too seriously, and not be forceful are great ways to get in this mode.
LEt GO OF THe BRanch YOu ARe CLinging TO IN THe RAging River. LOse YOur FEar ANd ENjoy THe Ride.
Very Pretty song. The title roughly translates to “You Played & Suffered” in English.
Eslabon Armado ft. DannyLux
Very Pretty song. The title roughly translates to “You Played & Suffered” in English.
Eslabon Armado ft. DannyLux#JugasteYSufri #attitudeiseverything #amput33
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