The mind. A vast, mostly unknown frontier.
Many theorize, and actually back it up with evidence, that our thoughts affect how we heal, our happiness and our overall well being. Without a doubt your mind creates the future you.
The big question? How do we harness that power?
I personally believe you can create your reality by the thoughts you have. The big problem… What is the best way to do that? I wish I had the answer. I tell you though that even if you do not achieve all you want…Isn’t it worth the effort to try?
I remember a KISS video I once saw. In fact I only saw one section of it, but have never forgotten it. I walked into a room were some friends were watching TV. There was Paul Stanley, an idol of mine from a very young age. He’s laying on a bed with several scantily clad women. He looks at the camera and says something like “I am not going to tell you not to chase your dreams”. “I achieved what I wanted to in life”. “Who would I be to tell you that you can’t do it?” Well, to a young aspiring 20 something I was pretty impressed.
Of course, we should maybe have better goals that ‘Sex drugs and rock-n-roll’. Or Should we? I guess it is all perspective.
What does that story have to do with healing? A better happier life? Not much except that it shows your mind can take you to places & help you accomplish things you may never have thought possible.
What little experience I have had with manifesting things in my life, one thing I know for sure. You must believe it. You must really believe you are the person or have the thing(s) you are trying to attain.
Healing with mind power & nutrition
Andrew Weil & Lewis Howes
Pain and The Mind
Resolving Negative Feelings
Forgiving people & being forgiven. They say this is key to releasing negative karma from your mind. Many speculate that our subconscious can harbor these negative feelings and thoughts. They then manifest as physical pain to your body. Life is way to short to hold grudges or harness bad thoughts about someone. You certainly can’t change the way someone feels about you or vice versa. We often have to be grateful for the time and experience we had, hopefully learn from it…and keeping moving on. Change the things you can and accept what you can’t.
Unintended Consequences??
One word of caution. You definitely can get what you want in life….but there will be some things that come with that reality you may not have expected. I have done it before, a few times. If you have ever studied age old fables you know what I mean. The Genie & The Lamp comes to mind. He gets what he wants, but there is a very heavy consequence that comes with that wish. I wont ruin it for anyone who may not know the story. I would encourage you to check it out though. There is a Roger Waters song, that is a fave, with a different twist on it.
I may have included this video on this site in another post before? It is really one of my favorite songs. Best I can tell it is about missed opportunities. It makes me ponder some of the ‘what ifs?’ In my life when I listen to it.
I am definitely not telling you not to Dream or have Goals. Far from it, I want us all to reach our full potential. Could you imagine what a better place the world would be if we all reached our ‘meaning in life’? There are some who believe we come back and live another life until we get it right. Sometime I think maybe so? I am sure we all know a tortured souls or two out there. Or felt we have known someone before even though we just met them.
So once again, I do not want to come off as negative. You should just be aware of the price you must pay to achieve something. I can tell you from the few things I have made happen there always it a price and responsibility that comes with granted wishes. Everything worthwhile takeS TIME, WORK & EFFORT
I wanted to be a good friend
#amput33 #LuvLife #ItsAllInYourMind #AttitudeIsEverything
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