I did not get the chance to check in yesterday. Actually I did, but it would not have been a very nice post. It was just a blah day. I was not feeling it. I probably should have. Maybe I would have felt better by doing one?
Some days feel like a win others a loss. Well, yesterday was actually a loss day for me. I just was not in a great mood. I have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes I still let the gloom and doom get the best of me.
Some days can be like that sometimes. I went home and went to bed & have tried to make this day better. I just have been feeling beat down lately.
I just wanted to say hello. I am currently in Lake Charles, LA and it is raining. I have seen a few patient today, which I really enjoy.
This weeks Amput33Cast is about trying to get your liner/prosthesis on when you are wet, your liners wet, it’s humid & you can’t grip anything.
This has often happened to me over the years. Typically getting out of or into the shower. Other times at the pool. Sometimes riding the bike or working out.
You forgot a towel, the towel is soaked, you are soaked, it’s humid as hell and you can’t get your hands dry. Sometimes you can’t get a grip on the liner to roll it up. Even with a dry towel sometime the humidity or other factors make it impossible to grip the darn thing. There is nothing worse than being in the gym locker room and not being able to get back from the shower to your locker. I have encountered many similar situations over the years.
BTW if you do have a towel you can often use it to get the liner started into to rolling position, and help roll it up despite having wet, pruny hands. That’s another video for another time…lol.
This is what I do to be able to walk and get needed supplies or move to a different area where it is cooler and I can get dry easier.
Let me emphasize this is a QUICK FIX AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROPERLY DONNING YOUR LINER AND PROSTHESIS. This is so you are not stuck in one place and can move from point A to B if needed.
You should always make sure your liner and limb are dry if possible. If you limb is wet while wearing the prosthesis for extended periods of time that can lead to skin break down, rashes, or possible fungal and mold issues.
A bit of a blah day. Not even a song for the day today. I did not hear anything in particular that moved me much today. That is definitely not my usual day.
This stuff is old school. Some say it is medicine :) Has a few shots this evening.
The morning started as per usual. I wS mostly happy meeting people, making the rounds doing my job.
Later, things fell apart. I had a friend that I already knew I was parting ways with, but all had been very amicable. Both if us wishing each other the best, but it was time to move on. Then due to circumstances beyond my control, external factors, it became a an ugly departure. It make me very sad. It was definitely not my choice how I would prefer things went down.
Unfortunately, the situation put a bit of a damper on the rest of the day.
You know who you are. If your reading this…I honestly wish you the very best. I see both sides of the situation. My heart leans toward you, but I also see that other side.
Serious friend. Wish U The Best!!!!
So I was gonna just have a single drink. For better or worse it ended up being the bartenders birthday tonight. So I stayed longer than planned to celebrate a little. Didn’t get carried away, but my plan was for 1 or 2 instead of 3 or 4…lol
Anyway it’s FRI so it’s all good.
Remember the little things you do make a difference. You may not even know how your acts & examples affect someone else.
Came on while I was getting a little workout in this AM. Love it.
Check in later :)
Headed Home after a long but easy going day. In the middle of no where LA. I stopped here not terribly long after I moved to the state. Raceland, 30 mins or so outside of New Orleans. Ravaged by the hurricane last yr. Much of it still looks like a 3rd world country. There’s some interesting folks that hang here, to say the least.
915 pm
Well thought was done posting, but this was just too cute.
Jessa Bartender at Miss Mae’s
It’s not every day you walk into a bar & there’s a domesticated possum.
Actually the only time I’ve noticed a break down in a Steve M song that I hear elements of in another tune. This came on the Deep Tracks station today & I never heard it before.
Today is the 51st anniversary of the historic moon walk. That was about the only news of interest that I heard on the morning radio during my drive out here today. So this day has that going for it at least :)
I am in Gulf Shores, MS. Out by the beach right now before I head back home. I left my place a little after 7AM this morning. Getting out of bed was touch. I got home last night around midnight..didn’t fall asleep until sometime between 130-2AM. It’s only about a 1.5 hr drive to my place. I will probably sleep good tonight.
Despite being tired it is actually a pretty nice day. My first time out here. It’s been a minute since I saw a palm tree. I think I will enjoy working out this way.
I’m going to start posting daily on here. I don’t have a social media page I’m actually not interested in getting one. So we will see how this goes :-)
This is often what dinner looks like from the road, when you’re allegedly trying to eat healthy. Is it just me or does there seem to be a shortage of zero calorie Monster in certain areas? :p Obviously I won’t be eating the ranch… Vegan style ya know.
I left my place a little after eight today. I will be getting home around 11:30. One of the many reasons I have no GF. I have traveled a big chunk of the east side of Louisiana today. A lunch in Patterson, made my way to Lake Charles, went up to Leesville with a last minute decision to stop in Lafayette.
I say last minute decision, I actually went about an hour and a half out of my way to see a patient to bring him something. I was gonna go see him on Friday to take it to him. I knew by the smile on his I made the right decision to go ahead and come by and get it to him now. In my mind that’s a lot of what this position is about. Much of the healing process before you get your first prosthesis is mental. I knew coming by now instead of waiting, though only a day or two, is huge. This is why I love what I do. The happiness on his face is the best thing I’ve seen in days.
Hope all are well. Life is still good in New Orleans.
The Vegan diet is going well. I think it is week 4? No meat hardly at all. I had a some fish tacos a little over a week ago. We ordered food as a group at work. There was nothing vegan on the menu. I bent to the pressure and ordered shrimp & fish, which I figured was still pretty healthy. Maybe not the chips and salsa though.
Probably the most unhealthy thing I ate this last week was fried mushrooms. They may have been vegan, but even that really depends on how you look at what else was probably cooked in the oil? They definitely tasted fattening.
As far as weight loss goes things seem to be going well. I am still battling arthritis but it does finally seem to be leveling off.
Doing the right thing is hard to definite sometimes. It can be very subjective. Sometimes two people feel wrongs with interacting & they both don’t feel like they did anything wrong?
I do feel deep in our heart. Deep inside we know what is right. Sometimes we are stubborn. Pride, is good thing. We must be able to admit when we are wrong or at the very least see why someone might feel wronged.
When we face challenges no mater how big, I have found one of the best ways to take them on is to break them up into smaller task. Yes I may not be able to walk 5 miles at a time, but if I do a half or quarter mile a day I can get there. A person writing a book may only do a page or two a day. A crew building a house, starts with the foundation.
Things may seem dire at times….Often if we stick to a successful formula eventually it will pay off. Trying to lose weight: Every day and hour in that day we must do our best to make lifestyle changes & eat healthier. We try to do some exercise. Before you know it a day turns into a week. A week turns into a month.
Saving Money: Cut down on expenses. Dedicate a certain percentage be put away every time you have incoming cash flow.
Building better habits & lifestyle choices: Eliminate temptation. Don’t put your self in certain situations. Don’t hang out with that person who encourages bad habits.
There will be setbacks. Do not beat yourself up over them. You are human. We are not perfect. We have moment of weakness. We are tired at times. We are upset at times. Do your best.
I know all of this is easier said than done. Believe me. I am very easily influenced by people. After a certain point you must decide what is best for you. Your health and financial well being should not be up for negotiation. If your “friend” gives you too much of a hard time…they are not a friend. In fact a real friend should be encouraging you. It’s easy to fall into “Everyone else ______” [Maxes out their credit card. Is in debt. Eats unhealthy.] fill in the blank. Sayings like “Your gonna die of something someday anyway” are frankly excuses to keep partaking in the bad choices you are making. Real friends or partners should care about you.
Being Patient is key. It can be frustrating not seeing the result we want, as quick as we want. Having faith and holding the line is essential. As I have often stated, every single thing in life that is worthwhile takes TIME, HARD WORK & EFFORT. If what you want was easy…everyone would be there.
We all face many challenges every day. The way we perceive these obstacle can determine how well we deal with them. This is why I like use the saying “attitude Is Everything.
I am a strong believer in using your outlook to determine you day, week, month & year. No one or no thing controls our happiness. We should not give up the power we have to determine our own destiny, no matter how dire things may appear at times.
* Dieting & Lifestyle To Optimize Success. Why I have fully embraced eating vegan again.
- I would not want to push veganism on anyone. Why not at least eat who real food?
- Limit The Drinking
- Moderate Exercise - You don’t have to kill yourself. Push yourself some, but know your limitations.
Even though you may not know me. I love each and every one of you. I want the best for you and for people in general. Life is so short. We must do our very best to make the most out of it. We are all blessed with many gift. We should share and display them to everyone. See should hone them and use them to the best of our abilities. What an awesome world it would be if we all did exactly what we were passionate about every day of our life?? What are you waiting for?