Song of The Moment
Ratt - I Want A Woman This song actually reminds me of someone. I genuinely hope that person is doing well. All I ever want for them is the very best. Always. I genuinely mean that.
Biketober Fest went well. I apologize for no updates or pics during the trip. The weather was just amazing. I got an awesome ride in along the beach on a most beautiful & perfect day.
I visited a couple of old friends while there. Unfortunately it was not all good times.
I had no ideal how bad some of the flood damage was. Some neighborhoods in the area really got hit hard. It will be months before some of them are back to normal. I spent part of a day helping a buddy move items to storage. He was emptying out one of his properties so he could start fixing it up. I kind of forced him to take a break. I went and picked up dinner for he and his wife. I thought them not having to worry about dinner would be a decent gesture. It was nice to break bread with a friend, despite the circumstances.
I ended up staying in the Daytona area until Monday, a couple more days than I originally planned. I went on a follow up job interview while I was there. I had been speaking to a company over the phone about a position. Since I was in the area I decided to do our last interview in person. I thought in person would be a better feel, for both of us, before making a major decision.
I am excited to say I will be headed back to Florida for work. My start date is in mid November!!!
I actually have a couple of options on which part of the state to reside. I've pretty much made up my mind on where I am going to be. Unless...hint...hint. Something were to happen to sway my decision otherwise.
I do not want to get into whom or where I will be working until everything is official. I am looking forward to being back.
My sleep pattern is all out of whack. It is currently almost 6 AM here. I did some late night driving on my return trip and slept most of the day yesterday. I better sign off and attempt to get some rest.
#amput33 #LuvLife #AttitudeIsEverything
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