
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Amputee Cycling Interview With Ozzy Reyes

A while bike, while searching for people to form an amputee cycling team, I met Ozzy Reyes. Ozzy is a left BK amputee like myself. There are differences between us. Ozzy has been an amputee since he was young. Oz also has a residual limb that is much longer than mine. While I am just barely an BK (only extending about 6" past my knee) Ozzy is missing his leg just above where the ankle level is.

The differences between us are very telling in the way we approach things. For instance, Ozzy does not use a shower chair to bathe, he just stands in the shower without much fear of falling. Ozzy can also jog using his regular prosthesis, which is pretty hard for me to do. The shorter lever arm I have makes it difficult to change from walk to run mode without using a different type of prosthesis.

Ozzy and I have been talking about doing an organized bike ride together for some time. As cycling season approaches it is my hope we will participate in some rides together.

I am currently in the middle of putting together my own set of instructional cycling and lifestyle videos for amputees. It dawned on me some time ago when we were hanging out that I had to interview Ozzy as part of my videos series.

Ozzy has been riding for over 20 years. He definitely does some things differently than I would as a cyclist. These differences made me even more intent on interviewing him. We are all different. There may be some method(s) Ozzy uses that might be best for someone else to follow or use as a comparison to develop their own way of doing things.

Ozzy is a great resource for other amputees interested in cycling. At one time Ozzy attended a Paralympic Cycling camp. I have met few people as enthused about cycling as the Oz man. His knowledge of the sport is very good. Any facts about different riders or races he usually has in his memory recall. The guy lives the cycling lifestyle, often riding his bike to and from work each day.

Ozzy's knowledge of bikes is great also. Oz is a certified bike mechanic for Bicycle World here in Houston, TX Bike World . Bicycle World is a great bike shop that does great work. Ozzy's co-workers share his enthusiasm for cycling too. It is always great to see people doing something they are passionate about.

Here is a link to the video. Enjoy!
Amputee - Get Your Bike Ride On

Monday, January 18, 2010

Keep The big Picture In Mind

I ran a 5K this weekend.

It was cold and windy. I did not finish the run in the time that I was shooting for. I had a great time!

I know the above statement seems a little contradictory, but it is all true. I am not a cold weather person. While some may feel the low 40's is great running weather I consider that to be pretty cool. I'm a 'hotter the better' kind of guy. I would rather sweat than be cold any day of the week.

I wanted and really expected to finish in under 30 minutes. I ended up running a time that was just over 31 minutes. I have been running about 6 miles a day (at a slow pace) for the last couple of weeks. I expected the 3 miles to seem like a breeze. What was even more frustrating is that in the last mile I really started getting passed by a lot of people and had no kick at all. There is nothing like feeling like you have put in time and effort for something and still falling short of where you want/expect to be.

Where was the good time you ask? Well, from people I met. You would not believe how many people shook my hand, told me good job and just seemed surprised to see me out there at all. There was great energy in the air. Despite the weather, falling short of my goal and the early hour I had a good time. It was an awesome event to witness. There were over 30,000 runners present.

More importantly I sometimes catch myself forgetting how lucky I really am. Almost 4 years ago I could not walk, much less run anywhere. I was stuck on a pair of crutches and not sure what my future held. As a cigarette ad used to say 'you've come a long way baby'.

In all honesty I set the goal probably a little high. I have not been steadily running for more than a few months now. Just 2 months ago completing a 3 mile run at any pace was a major achievement. I have always been a swing for the fence kind of person. At my current weight and age under 30 minutes would be tough for anyone at this stage in their training.

It is great to have goals. I also think there is nothing wrong with being happy or disappointed with your results. I have and will always be my own worst critic. A lot of people tell me that I am too hard on myself. I must admit I am rarely satisfied. For me, this is how I keep improving and pushing myself.

I am not saying you have to beat yourself up. I do think you have to have goals you are shooting for. If you want to be a [whatever] or want to do [whatever] this gives you a productive way to spend your life's energy. If you just sit around and feel sorry for yourself (which can be easy to do) that isn't really solving any problems. In fact, you are wasting energy doing something that is counterproductive.

If you have something you want to accomplish the next thing is to figure out how to get there. I would never tell you that anything is out of reach. I truly believe if you want it bad enough, you can do it. I will warm you, from personal experience that once you get there it may be very different from what you think. So make sure you endeavor is something that you really want. As the old saying goes be careful what you wish for. Success can be defined on may different levels. Many people that most of us consider successful are miserable.

Have a great week! Please do me and yourself a favor. Take your bat....point at the wall...and when that ball comes flying at you...with all your might swing for the fence.

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