
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Something Bigger Than Us

I have had an abysmal month. Without getting into my personal life too much I can say things seem to have all gone wrong at the same time. My current problems feel so huge. I have found myself at a point where I have been seriously examining my life and my role in this world. I have spent the larger part of some days isolated and feeling sorry for myself.

I have managed to complete a few task. I participated in a 62 mile bike ride, helped host an Amputee Support Group and have gotten some important things completed that I have had to address. I do see light at the end of the tunnel. It can just be tough staying focused sometimes when things seem down.

There were some other commitments I imposed upon myself this month that I did not get to. One project I aspired to complete were a set of Amputee Workout videos I wanted to shoot and edit. A friend was going to come visit me here in Florida. I was going to have him help me with the project while we were hanging out. To make a long story short he canceled the visit and I got discouraged. I became very disappointed in my friend and the situation when things fell through. He backed out at the very last moment and I felt he really left me hanging. You cannot control the actions of others. There is no use wasting energy being mad at someone. If it is meant to be I will complete the affair in due time.

We often can be over dramatic about our problems. In the big picture what does me shooting a video have to do with the larger scheme of life? I would like to think it might be a helpful tool for someone. Without a doubt my ego is probably placing way more emphasis on something that is quite trivial. I have had to sit back and realize that you know 'There are a lot more important things going on in this world than my problems'. I have also had to remember that everything isn't always in my control.

I am learning that I have to 'give up' my fate to a higher power and trust things will work out. Without being overtly religious I think part of the solution lies within the wise words in the Serenity Prayer. "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference." I have to remind myself that if I can live my life by those words on a daily basis I will be a much happier person.

One word of caution. I think people often use the 'turning things over to a higher power' mantra as an excuse for inaction. It is true some obstacles are out of our control. It is not productive to woe over things you cannot do anything about. We must work on changing the things in our grasp like our thoughts and our attitude. We all have been given a set of tools and certain gifts. I believe everyone in this world has something positive to offer. It is your duty to get out there every day and do the best you can. I have come to find that giving extra effort on days I feel down is very rewarding. It can also change your whole outlook on the day.

Spread Happiness To Become Happy

It doesn't always seem like it but one of the best way for us to feel good is to attempt to make other happy. I'm not just making this up. There are many studies that show the biggest human joy comes from bringing joy to others:

Even though our problems are small in the grand scheme of things, small gestures can make a huge impact on you and the life of others.
What I want to point out is we continue to put our small problems ahead of what is really important in life. I am reaching out to hopefully remind you that you can address your problems and be happy while using your personal gifts to make a difference in this world.

Small Changes = Big Impact - Ty

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