
Monday, April 15, 2013

Amputee Views Prevail

As those who have stopped in here from time to time have probably noticed I can sometimes get on a rant. I am a very passionate person, especially when it comes to my personal viewpoints. I will always be a fan of individual responsibility, keeping an open mind and being steadfast in your principles.
While I feel there is nothing wrong with me having those beliefs, I do not think it is useful to use this forum to push them on anyone.

Obviously, You don't have to be an academic to tell we are going through some changing times. Change, while inevitable, can sometimes be painful. I have to admit I don't always accept change without some complaining along the way. So I rant and get on a soap box once in a while. For that I strongly apologize.

This site is about being an amputee. It should always be this blogs goal to help inform people looking for information about being an amputee. It is not my duty to tell others how to believe or think. This site should be used a resource.

As far as my music, science, religious and political views go I will try to exclude them in future post. For those who may have some interest in that area of my life I will continue to include my 'Personal Links' section. Just keep in mind it is just that, an incomplete set of links that delve into things I am interested in. No agenda pushing, just other areas of my life I find interest in.

The rest of this site will contain post about amputee issues, useful amputee links, amputee support group information, prosthetic equipment and so fourth.

Looking forward to chatting at you soon....
Ty W

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