
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Value Of Time

I can't believe it is this time of year again. Time seems to get faster and faster as each year passes. My Father once told me time appears to move faster because "as you get older your perception of time changes as you become more aware of how valuable it is". Time becomes a more and more precious commodity because you realize that you have less and less of it. I'm not sure if 'realizing you have less time' is the sole reason it appears to move faster? It definitely seems like it could be a contributing factor?

The value of time is definitely one reason why I try to fully enjoy each day. I posted a quote recently that stated "Be the best you can, because some day you will not be at all". I think it runs true. Life is so short. Things can appear to pass in the blink of an eye. I know it isn't always easy to stay positive, but I think it is a worthy goal to strive for.

If you are a happy person chances are you can make others around you feel happy as well. A positive happy attitude is one of the greatest gifts anyone can share.


My goals for this upcoming year are pretty simple:
- To get involved in Amputee Advocacy here in the Florida Gulf Coast area.
- To continue my amputee awareness campaign by participating in support groups and posting more instructional videos/blogs.
- To help empower other amputees through eduction and positive lifestyle.

I look forward to a full year of advocacy, outreach, education and FUN!!

Wishing You A Full And Happy Holiday Season. Ty

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