
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Athletic Event Every Week

I have not worked out consistently since I have been living in Florida. There I said it! So now that it is out there maybe I will do something about it???

There are all kinds of reasons I can give. One being that I hurt myself and had to take some time off from training. Another, that my bike has been in the shop for some time. Yet another, that the weather has not been very good. Bottom line...I have been lazy. I got frustrated and quit training.

Instead of going to the gym to work off some steam I have been going to the bar.  I found a couple of nice wine bars here in the area to hang out at along with a couple of cool beach side tiki bars.  It is really a shame because there are so many nice places here in Florida to train. I have become a regular at the bar instead of at the gym. A gym employee recently commented that he had not seen me around much lately.

Unfortunately for me, something like a glass of wine should be enjoyed in moderation. Instead, binge drinking has become a weekly or bi-weekly event for me. It makes me sick to think of all the money I have blown going out drinking and eating unhealthy food. It's easy to want to slip into Margarita Ville out here in the land of beaches.Hopefully I will soon find more moderation in my life.

So here I am, a weight gain of about 10 to 15 lbs since I have moved out here. I was in decent shape from a ton of cycling when I came in late October. I still felt I was a good 15 lbs over what I consider a great weight for me, before my recent gain. I am currently sitting in the 215-220 lbs range. I feel my best when I am around 190-185 lbs.  

About two months ago I posted a running/work out schedule that I was following. I wanted to train for another half marathon this year. I got about a month into it and realized I wasn't making the gains I wanted to and I probably would not be ready for the event. So, instead of continuing to train I stopped.I pulled down the listings and progress reports in sheer embarrassment. In reality I probably took on more than I could handle. Getting ready for a half marathon in less than 3 months without already being in any kind of running shape was probably pushing it. I wasn't enjoying working out. Running until the pain stops doesn't work like it did in my 20's.

I really have let myself down. All I can do is try to start from scratch and start over.

So here is what I have decided to do.
Starting next weekend I am going to enter an athletic event of some type every weekend. Whether it is a 5k/10k run or  bike ride. I am going to post pics or video clips of the event on-line. I will also be linking a Public Google Calender that shows all events I will be participating in.

I really want accountability here. So those of you that are true and dear friends. I would love to hear from you...I usually don't ask for anything, but I need encouragement as well as chastising if I don't follow through.

I know an athletic event every week is a regular thing for some people out there, while for others it is an unheard of challenge.

Of course because of my current physical shape I will need to start small. As far as running goes, which is definitely my Achilles are not many events shorter than a 5k, which I'm currently not in shape for either. The beginning is going to be a little painful. I do not expect to run anything faster than about 12-11minute miles for a while.

It is going to be a little expensive to pony up entry fees for these events, but I think it will pale in comparison to some of the bar and food tabs I have acquired lately.

My email is

I really would love to hear from you with feedback, tips, words of encouragement or questions about what I am up to.

'An event a week keeps you from becoming weak' - Ty

I have encountered a little bit of a set back with training. There is more info on my 'Event A Week Results' page under a heading of 4/12/11. I am definitely not trowing in the towel...just taking some time to make sure I remian healthy for the long run.

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