
Sunday, July 3, 2022

How Do You Eat An Elephant?


The Answer is of course - One bite at time.

When we face challenges no mater how big, I have found one of the best ways to take them on is to break them up into smaller task. Yes I may not be able to walk 5 miles at a time, but if I do a half or quarter mile a day I can get there. A person writing a book may only do a page or two a day. A crew building a house, starts with the foundation.

Things may seem dire at times….Often if we stick to a successful formula eventually it will pay off. Trying to lose weight: Every day and hour in that day we must do our best to make lifestyle changes & eat healthier. We try to do some exercise. Before you know it a day turns into a week. A week turns into a month. 

Saving Money: Cut down on expenses. Dedicate a certain percentage be put away every time you have incoming cash flow. 

Building better habits & lifestyle choices: Eliminate temptation. Don’t put your self in certain situations. Don’t hang out with that person who encourages bad habits. 

There will be setbacks. Do not beat yourself up over them. You are human. We are not perfect. We have moment of weakness. We are tired at times. We are upset at times. Do your best.

I know all of this is easier said than done. Believe me. I am very easily influenced by people. After a certain point you must decide what is best for you. Your health and financial well being should not be up for negotiation. If your “friend” gives you too much of a hard time…they are not a friend. In fact a real friend should be encouraging you. It’s easy to fall into “Everyone else ______” [Maxes out their credit card. Is in debt. Eats unhealthy.] fill in the blank.  Sayings like “Your gonna die of something someday anyway” are frankly excuses to keep partaking in the bad choices you are making.  Real friends or partners should care about you.  

Being Patient is key. It can be frustrating not seeing the result we want, as quick as we want. Having faith and holding the line is essential. As I have often stated, every single thing in life that is worthwhile takes TIME, HARD WORK & EFFORT. If what you want was easy…everyone would be there.

We all face many challenges every day. The way we perceive these obstacle can determine how well we deal with them. This is why I like use the saying “attitude Is Everything.

I am a strong believer in using your outlook to determine you day, week, month & year. No one or no thing controls our happiness. We should not give up the power we have to determine our own destiny, no matter how dire things may appear at times. 


Amput33Cast 19

Todays AmputeeCast Topics: 

* Featured Artist: Satigold -

* Happy 4th of July!!

* Settling Into Change & New Environment

* Dieting & Lifestyle To Optimize Success. Why I have fully embraced eating vegan again.

- I would not want to push veganism on anyone. Why not at least eat who real food?

 - Limit The Drinking

-  Moderate Exercise - You don’t have to kill yourself. Push yourself some, but know your limitations.

Even though you may not know me. I love each and every one of you. I want the best for you and for people in general. Life is so short. We must do our very best to make the most out of it. We are all blessed with many gift. We should share and display them to everyone. See should hone them and use them to the best of our abilities. What an awesome world it would be if we all did exactly what we were passionate about every day of our life?? What are you waiting for?

#AttitudeIsEverything #LuvLife #amput33

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