
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Two More Vids

I was able to get a couple of more videos posted.(See instructional video section).

One about 'Putting On Your Pants', of all things. Many new amputees have often expressed difficulty about getting ready to me, especially with long pants. I recently showed an amputee that thought he might need to purchase new jeans the technique I use. I remember having some difficulty with long trousers myself when I first became an amputee. I decided to make a video about it. I certainly would want someone to show me an easier and less time consuming way to get dressed. BTW - The same method is great for shorts, except I pull them up over my residual limb first and then step into the leg.

The other video is about cycling, one of my favorite endeavors. I think riding a bike has been one of the most therapeutic things for me since I became an amputee. It was an activity I was able to do even before I had my prosthesis. I used to go to the gym and just strap my one leg to the pedal and ride, while I was healing and recovering. Once I got my leg I was off and running (or should I say riding). It was the one exercise that came pretty easy to me. Cycling was a great confidence builder. I could ride as well as many people who had two legs. The hills of Austin, TX (where I went through my recovery) were a thrill to go down and a great form of aggression therapy to climb.
The cycling video is the 1st installment of a 3 part series. This first video is about 'getting started' and features stationary bike techniques. The next two vids will focus on riding a regular bike and then a road bicycle.

Have a great Thanksgiving! Ty

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